Very feminine lady'd like to meet a mature manly man with who we’d click like a logo. Me- easy going, soft, quiet, kind hearted, lovely, tender, always focus on a positive side, intelligent, fluent English, loyal, reliable, creative, smilie, healthy & fit. Love warm climate, sea, beaches, churches, temples, flowers, beauty of nature; it'd be fantastic if my man lived in a beautiful warm country as I dream to move to a paradise with much sun & sea; if we feel great next to each other, we could live wonderful life together & may be get married; adore meditating, decorating my home, creating cozy up, dancing, taking pictures, music, lightening candles, wearing high heeled shoes & elegant dresses. i'm very spiritual - adore Angels & wonders, always follow my heart. Yes, i look rather far from my documentary age. Certainly, i practise some secrets)) I'm one in a million searching for my soul mate, my dearest life partner, one in a million; arrived here to meet the miraculos love my heart knows. The state when we both feel music & joy within our cells, our hearts sing endlessly, & our wings lift us high up to the sky; we see how fast our dreams come true, plans easily realize, we succeed in everything, & all doors open before us. We both feel inspired, loved, adored & admired by each other. I see u as brave, smart, positive, with nice sense of humor,kind-hearted,healthy & fit, loyal, reliable; u know ur dreams & goals, u are financially secure & certainly, u can accept miracles))