My perfect evening involves doing something both creative and relaxing. I've recently been playing the guitar and thinking of songwriting,
Describe your perfect weekend.
My perfect weekend would depend on the season. If it were in the summer, my perfect weekend would involve finding something to do in nature. I'd like kayaking, mountain, climbing, and just getting outside and swimming whenever possible. In the winter time, when the weather is cold, my perfect weekend involves lighting my fireplace, finding a good movie, and doing some cooking. I'd love to make different types of desserts and enjoy coming up with different recipes.
What is the purpose of marriage?
The purpose of marriage is to unite man and women together reflect god which is a sacrament that is a stage in the couples life of Christ and the essential partner of their salvation L
What is the most important thing in a relationship?
True love for me and for the man upstairs
What's the best age to get married?
Early to mid 20s
What turns you off?
Lying, cheating, and dishonesty in the relationship
What turns you on?
Some who is kind hearted and has good intentions and cares about me