Im Greek Orthodox. I like the traditions, but like other religions as well.
Area only
Hated it in the Military still hated now. I can walk all day but running, nope.
Technical College in Engineering and some University
Like it. I spend too much money though.
Really?? Only in the shower and while driving
Sky Diving
Tried it. Prefer to fly or soar in a perfectly good airplane.
Would like to try it.
Ok, but more into Hockey
Stock Market
Dividend paying stocks only
Helpfull for what I do.
I watch very little.
Like it, been a long time since I played
Like it
Would like to do more.
Video Games
Can't figure out the controller so rarely.
Love it. Used to do a lot more.
Used to write technical manuals in the Aerospace industry.. Would like to try poetry.
AdventurousnessSomewhat Daring
AffectionatenessSomewhat Doting
TrustingnessSomewhat Gullible
ConfidenceVery Confident
IndependenceVery Independent
MoodSomewhat Chill
RomanceSomewhat Romantic
SociabilitySomewhat Introverted
Thought ProcessSomewhat Artistic
EnergySomewhat High
Go PartySometimes
PunctualityOften Early
SpendingSomewhat Spendthrift
Work EthicDriven
Describe the perfect evening.
We came back from a long walk, we stopped at the small market and picked up only the freshest food, maybe some fish and vegetables. I will cook, you sit and rest your feet. We eat by candlelight. Gentle music quietly playing in the background. We have wine on the deck while looking at the ocean and stars. The remainder I will leave to your imagination but it is slow and takes all night. What can I say, I like to explore.
Describe your perfect weekend.
Sail to a quiet beach, setup camp and spend the time sleeping under the stars, swimming, and eating fish and octopus grilled over the fire. Just the two of us. Can we still do this. If not I will promise to bail you out of jail when the fun Police show up.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
It happened to me, so why not.
How many kids would you like to have?
Would have liked 4. But the one I was blessed with is my piece of heaven. My gift.
How important is someone's physical appearance to you?
I am a man. A woman's physical appearance is built into us. A person has to be comfortable in their own skin. Wrinkles and all.
If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
I would like to be able to heal people. Why, because I would have liked to save my Wife's life.
What is the purpose of marriage?
Honesty, bonding, becoming one with the one you search for.
What is the most important lesson that you've learned?
Life is not forever. Let things flow and happen.
What do your friends like about you most?
My honesty,
What do your friends tease you about the most?
Not taking enough time for myself.
What gets on your nerves?
Liars, Cheaters, Lazy people with no ambition.
What is the most important thing in a relationship?
Honesty and caring for each other. Without this, why are you wasting your time.
What's the best age to get married?
What turns you off?
Dishonesty, weakness and indecisiveness
What turns you on?
Sparkle in someone's eyes, an honest connecting smile. Gently holding someone's hand
What do you hope to be doing five years from now?
Travelling with my partner and experiencing a slow nurturing relationship.