A real Bohemian. Life is a wonderful gift that should be cherished and celebrated. After discovering that all the money and luxury cannot satisfy my needs, I decided to break out of my enslavement. The drop of bitterness about this decision is that it’s hard to find a cohabitant or wife who is willing to amend her lifestyle in that way. So that’s what I’m looking for. An open minded woman with artistic sense; a congenial soul and muse. I entertained the idea of settling down in Greece. Until now the beautiful country and cute people haven’t been sufficient reason to pluck up courage. So I’m looking for one more reason. I’ve also started to learn Greek. Αλλά είμαι κακός μαθητής - και είναι δύσκολο να μάθουν μια γλώσσα από τα βιβλία.