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Never Married
Brooklyn, New York
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In their own words

I'm not your typical Greek-American man... (Αλεξανδρούπολη, Έβρου)

I LiKe BeInG oPeN 2 NeW XperienCeS ThaT OpeN My EyEs, MinD & ... Average looking Greek man, heart of gold, good head on shoulders, comes from a great family, great career hard working, never married, no kids… Are you a woman that sees the inner beauty of a man? Do you have patience to learn and grow with each other? Looking for a romantic, sweet, friend first? Are you available (emotionally) to a possible relationship? What do you want & are looking for? Both are not necessarily identical... I'm looking for someone who knows and wants to be friends first before anything else. Someone who is open to simple communication. With today's technology it isn't difficult to say "Hello, how are you? Have a good day/night." via text, email or old school calling. Maybe grab dinner sometime during the week and talk about the day/week and possibly spend one day on the weekend (or both) hanging out enjoying each others company and doing activities together or with our family/friends... Want to know the man that I am? Look at the family that created me. I have a golden heart, I'm sweet, charming, outgoing personality and have a great, loving supportive family. I love what I do & what i do to protect you & your loved ones. I'm a great guy, not perfect (who is anyway) but I know how to treat a woman and be a man. I'm not into games, not into lies...

Best Feature
5' 10"   (178 cm)
Family Roots
White / Caucasian
My Lifestyle
Has Kids
Wants Kids
Greek Orthodox
Bachelor's Degree
Government / Civil Service / Public Policy
Over $100,000
I'll tell you later
What languages do you speak?
English, Greek, Spanish
Favorite Music
Classic Rock, Dance / Electronica / House, Rap / Hip-Hop, Reggae, Folk, Instrumental, Rock & Roll, Pop
Favorite Actors
Too many actors but my favorite Greek Actor is Stathis Psaltis...
Favorite Actresses
Too many to just acknowledge one...
Favorite Authors
I enjoy reading Steven Pressfields work...
Favorite Hangouts
I enjoy cafes, lounges, places that have live music whether its bouzoukia or rock & roll...
Favorite Books
Steven Pressfields works...
Favorite Cities
NYC & Alexandroupolis, Greece...
Favorite Country
USA & Greece...
Favorite Drinks
Frappes, Iced Coffeee…
Favorite Fast Foods
Souvlakia Stands, Food Trucks, Burgers places…
Favorite Magazines
Men's Health & Fitness...
Favorite News Anchor
Ernie's Anastos...
Favorite Night Clubs
90s were the best era for clubbing.
Favorite Place To Be Kissed
Neck & Lips but kissing & holding someone with your eyes has got to be my favorite. Just by looking into each others eyes...
Favorite Plays
Shakespearean & Greek Plays...
Favorite Sports Teams
NY GIANTS, YANKEES, NETS, RANGERS. Will root for the other NY teams as well...
Favorite Restaurants
Hate to be biased but other than my own, maybe a few others...
Favorite Songs At The Moment
Den Se Krino/Kali Tihi...
Favorite Sports
Football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, baseball...
Favorite Stocks
My portfolio is long...
Favorite Foods
Pastiches, tyropita, dolmades, stuffed tomatoes & peppers...
Favorite Styles Of Music
Greek, Freestyle, Rock, Bouzoukia...
I'm a Gemini & don't believe horoscopes...
Only star I want to look at is the woman I'm with...
Love having them with family & friends...
Board Games
Fun with a bunch of friends & family...
Card Games
Texas Holdem Poker...
Love them and eventually want to have once I find the perfect woman...
Enjoy cooking but hate cleaning...
Greek dancing but would love to slow dance with someone special often...
First dates & impressions may be lasting ones, need time to get to know someone better...
Dogs and Cats
Love both have a cat...
Motivated now more than ever...
Greek, Italian, American...
NY Giants & love playing it too...
Not a gamble & very cautious...
Live Concerts
Prefer Greek concerts & bouzoukia...
Comedies, action & drama...
Been to Lincoln Center a few times...
Loved taking pics with my Pentax taking pics manually...
Greek Orthodox...
Would rather do it online...
Only in car & shower...
Sky Diving
Someday will try it...
Have gone skiing. Plan on trying someday...
Prefer watching the International games. World Cup, Euro Cup, Gold Cup, & WC qualifiers...
Have some shows I DVR and like to watch...
Like to play instead of watch...
Enjoy Broadway shows...
Video Games
Have a PS3 that I rarely play...
Used to write poetry...
Adventurousness Average
Affectionateness Very Doting
Trustingness Very Gullible
Confidence Somewhat Confident
Independence Very Independent
Mood Average
Romance Very Romantic
Sociability Very Extroverted
Thought Process Somewhat Analytical
Tolerance Compliant
Dress Average
Energy Average
Go Party Sometimes
Religion Average
Neatness Super Neat
Punctuality Always On Time
Spending Average
Work Ethic Workaholic
Describe the perfect evening.
1 on 1 or with family & friends having an interesting conversation and laughter over dinner & drinks while overlooking either an amazing view, a fire pit or out and about.
Describe your perfect weekend.
Once again wonderful communication and enjoying someone's company either doing activities together or with family & friends. Going to the beach or boardwalk holding hands talking hugging, to biking, to driving/riding along a beautiful day/night or walking thru a street fair/festival or streets of NYC or any other city we are in...
Do you believe in love at first sight?
I used to but believe there is an initial attraction at first sight...
How many kids would you like to have?
2-3 as long as they are healthy and have a loving mother to help me support and care for them...
How important is someone's physical appearance to you?
We all want to be attracted to our partner but in the end spending hours with them and have that I want to continue spending time with them or want to see them as soon as possible matters most...
If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
Other than see the future, maybe ability to fly...
What is the most important lesson that you've learned?
Give someone or something 100% before give up so you can move on without having any questions, doubts & regrets...
What do your friends like about you most?
I have a heart of gold and unselfish...
What do your friends tease you about the most?
That I'm a walkover...
What gets on your nerves?
Immaturity, No Respect, Discourteous, Impatient.
What is the most important thing in a relationship?
Communication, Honesty & Respect are all important...
What's the best age to get married?
Whenever it feels right...
What turns you off?
Immaturity, selfishness, uncompromising, impatient, dishonesty & someone having their nose up in the air thinking their shit don't stink...
What turns you on?
Beautiful smile, warm eyes, a hearty laugh & self respect...
What do you hope to be doing five years from now?
Hopefully in a loving marriage with a child maybe a second on the way...
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