I had a ton of stuff written, but have since then redistributed my information in hidden envelopes across all of the world. Happy Hunting! Seriously though, do you read all up about a character before you watch the movie they're in? Hellz nah you don't, that ruins the journey and all it's surprises! That being said... I should have been born during the renaissance, as my attitude and mentality is full of things like chivalry and honor. You may be saying to yourself "That's great! We need more people like that!", but what you don't realize, is that today's society is not geared for that old-fartyness type of thinking. I sum it up like so: "People can't seem to believe that someone would go out of their way in just kindness alone, always assuming that some sort of ulterior motive is present." It sucks, but it's true. So what I do to blend in is -- wait, I don't blend in. I stand out! Blending in is for the weak, and I am that ram up top Mt. Everest dressed in a suit, sporting a snowboard, and holding two jars of napalm ready to go. I honestly believe I am going to do everything, and for those 'grounded' people who like to play it 'safe' and 'realistic,' I ask the following: Name one great person, someone who changed lives and/or the world, who was one of the aforementioned 3 'qualities'? Yeah, that's what I thought.