Hm i am very outgoing! I Love life and the communication with people! I believe that happiness comes within and that if we want to go fast we go alone... but if we want to go far we go together!! I love traveling and I find it amazing to meet so many different cultures !! We all have something in common ..we are all human beings that need to love and be loved! If you are a person that is not afraid of love and companionship then I would love to communicate with you! Communication and chemistry are the ingredients for a good start that might bring ever lasting love and happiness ! Απλώνω το χέρι μου στέλνοντας τη δική μου ενέργεια με την αισιοδοξία πως θα γεμίσει η παλάμη μου και η καρδιά μου αγάπη απο σένα που καλώ στη ζωή μου! Πιστεύω στην αγαπη και αυτη ειναι επακόλουθο της καλής χημείας και επικοινωνίας !