I cant answer if u r not paid member,, not up to me! Classy intellectual, cyber manners researcher, looking for one who can follow me as intellectual classy bon vivant. leave me your photo and e mail, some W'up chat contact so we can continue serious chat if we are matched and arrange romantic date or exotic escape. Being a cyber friend doeSNt mean sending mails about s.. ( please, do not send me unserious sexy mails or just your phone without full name, manners first for lady to trust you) It means i am searching for classical classy gentleman who is having his own private library ( turn off is a person that is not having his personal library, yes books make you spiritual and romantic in my eyes) and depending from our chat, if we are both intrigued, we will meet. If you are ready for dinner date with flowers and chocolate, traditional style, you can leave your whats app phone number for chat. Pet lover and sea lover and guy with empathy an altruism is a must Let me say i would like to have something different than things i had experienced ( Nobu under the water in Atlantis, Hong Kong or Hanoi opera, Malvides water villa...) but i am always happy with vintage colonial style places or date by the beach as long as i got you ( that was me trying to sing a song) Mix of Robinson handling situations like sea, boat, desert island and electricity cut with a twist of urban classy intellectual James Bond, chat