Ok does this really need to be so difficult? Just trying to find that best friend who I want to spend my life with. Should be easier, no? Well I guess not, since we're all here. Have you noticed a lot of people who are on here, spend a lot of time hiking and camping? The married people I know never seem to hike and camp. Maybe the hiking and camping is keeping us single? :) Just completed my Masters Degree. Never thought I'd go back to school, but I did it! Recently got into mountain biking. I'm really enjoying it and hope to to hit more trails! Have you noticed everyone says they want to meet someone with a great sense of humor. Have you ever met anyone who doesn't believe they have a great sense of humor??? The trick is finding someone who likes their partner's sense of humor. So if you like Modern Family, Big Bang Theory, and Entourage and Friends, and movies like Airplane and 40 year-old virgin then we probably have the same sense of humor. Do you like big football lineman-like gu