Just finished my PhD in Child and Adolescent Psychology at University of Texas-Austin, and I just moved to Denver for my residency/postdoc in mid June...The process of making it through 22nd grade has been my priority for the past 6 years at the expense of finding my partner in crime. Now that I have the energy and free time to get back in the game, it would be silly of me to pursue men who weren't members of the greatest ethnicity in the universe! A few fun facts for this self summary: 1. I have never had an encounter with a child or a dog where we didn't get along, leading me to the realization that I am universally loved by both dogs and children; the only two groups who really matter. ;) 2. Family over everything. My three brothers are my best friends, and I am the only girl in the family! 3. Avid carnivore. 4. I've never lost a thumb war. 5. I play piano (very intense, very classically trained). 6. I was born and raised in Utah, but I'm not Mormon and I only have one mom (who is an absolute fox, I might add). 7. Mountains>Beach. .......and finally..... 8. I promise I won't analyze you without requesting a venmo payment first, so set your mind at ease!